Thursday, January 28, 2010


Here is a little fun with words.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My Trinity Network Diagram

This exercise was useful in figuring out more indepth how the trinity network actually works. While it was tedious I found it highly informative, and it will probably help me later in the class to understand how the network functions.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Good Evening Class,

I though that the most interesting part of Joe Hatch's semi-lecture was the information on "cleaning up" your computer. I have never heard of using the site to clean your computers memory and help to run more efficiently.

I will defiantly be using this site to make my computer happier.


Thursday, January 14, 2010

First Post

My name is Tanner Barron. I am from Houston, Texas. Though I was not there, it is where I was raised. I have played baseball since the 1st grade beginning with T-Ball and continuing all the way till now as I am on the Trinity Baseball team. I like to run, and I very strongly dislike morning people. I have been around computers most of my life but know very little about them and have minimal skills other than how to long into facebook.
My email is

First Post

My name is Tanner Barron, and I am from Houston, Texas.