Monday, April 12, 2010

Project Self - Analysis

I chose a basic picture of a very clean and pristine river. I thought that this would be a fun picture to manipulate. The picture originated in the orsierra club files on the website I manipulated the picture by adding things that would commonly not be seen near or in a river such as dolphins, a penguin, and a polar bear. I didn't find the manipulation to be harmful in any way other than it shows how easily a picture can be manipulated to get people to believe what you want them to believe. Adding some friendly Arctic animals and dolphins doesn't affect how the river is portrayed and therefor isn't harmful. The article I researched said that some of the photos produced in O.J. Simpson's civil trial were fake. The court was fooled by these photos and found O.J. to be guilty. This relates to my photo because it shows how with a picture, any mind can be manipulated.

Citation: Nelson, Emily. "Wall Street Journal - Eastern Edition." Claims of Photo Fakery get lots of Exposure in Courts 229.27 (1997): n. pag. Web. 12 Apr 2010. .

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